Gill Wilson - Governors profile
I am proud to be the head teacher of Woodlawn School and have been in post since January 2015.
My teaching career started 35 years ago in Sunderland in a small Infant school prior to teaching in Germany in a Forces school for three years before returning to Sunderland to a large Primary School.
My previous roles include leading and managing a large additionally resourced speech and language unit in a large urban primary school before taking up a Deputy Head teacher post in a large specialist provision in the North East.
My work with initial teacher training colleges, 30 years ago, initiated my passion for coaching and supporting professionals in their roles. This has developed over time and is now a big part of our work at Woodlawn School.
I love the challenges every day brings, working with our pupils, families and staff at Woodlawn School.
In my spare time I love cycling trips and fell walking with my family in the Lake District and abroad.