Norma Tullock - Governor Profile
I consider myself privileged to have just been appointed as the Local Authority Governor at Woodlawn School.
It is it is an honour to be so involved in an inspirational school, both in terms of staff and students, which has a special place in the community with a superb sense of belonging.
For many years I was a parent governor, subsequently deputy chair, at Monkseaton High School.
I consider the role of the governing body to be not only the Head Teachers “Critical Friend”, but to have the welfare of all students at the fore front of our thoughts and actions, considering the best outcomes for all.
I am on the board of two charities:
Youth Focus Northeast (Young people at the forefront) for 10 years
Meadowell Connect (Community based) for 1 year.
I also read online with younger children for Bookmark charity.
I mentor the CEO at a Military charity which is involved with abuse in the military and is very interesting, thought provoking and challenging.
I volunteer for the NHS at Cramlington Hospital 2 half days a week on reception. It is demanding but very enjoyable meeting and helping members of the public, many of whom are distressed in the situation they find themselves presented with.
Prior to retiring I worked for a top 100 law firm in Newcastle for 32 years, heading up the Facilities Team for all three sites in Newcastle, Leeds & Manchester.
Personally, I have been married to Colin for 50+ years, we have two sons who have both been very successful in their chosen careers. We have four granddaughters who are a delight.
I like entertaining, cooking, reading, driving, dog walking and I am a reluctant gardener!