Information for Parents & Carers
Parent Governors
Chris Blakey and Natalie Harrison are contactable at
Follow this link to register or pay for milk if you would like your child to receive milk after they turn 5.
A parent/carer satisfaction questionnaire is issued during the Spring Term each year. We urge you to take the time to complete the questionnaire on receipt as your opinions are very important to us. Your feedback provides us with the tools to make the necessary improvements for your child’s education.
Latest Feedback from Parents 20/21
Holiday requests
Following amendments to DfE Attendance Regulations, since September 2013 Headteachers may NOT grant any leave of absence during term time (including family holidays) unless there are EXCEPTIONAL circumstances.
Absence from school during term time can disrupt the continuity of a child’s learning and have an impact on their achievement.
If leave of absence is taken without permission from the Headteacher it will be marked as unauthorised.
Under government guidelines any absence marked as unauthorised can lead to involvement of the Education Welfare Service in persistent cases of poor attendance.
Covid 19
We ask all parents and carers to ensure your child is tested if they have any of the symptoms of Coronavirus:
Coronavirus symptoms are:
A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
If we have pupils in school with symptoms we will ask you to come and pick them up and get a test as soon as able.
We will also require communication of a negative test before they come back to school. We also need to know if a child has tested positive as soon as possible to protect other pupils and staff in school as we will need to ask all of their bubble to self-isolate as a result.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
From time to time children are sick (vomit) either at home or at school. Unfortunately it is not possible to distinguish between the causes, and therefore it is essential that the same rule of exclusion applies in all cases of vomiting or diarrhoea. In the Public Health Agency document, ‘Guidance on infection control in Schools and other Childcare Settings’, the recommendation is that any child with diarrhoea and or vomiting symptoms must stay away or be excluded from the school or early years setting until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours (the ‘48 hour rule’) and feel well. If your child is sick at school, we will ask you or your emergency contact to take your child home. They should not return for 48 hours to reduce the risk of infection for all children in school.
Pupil Absence
Please remember to telephone the school if you child is absent so that the office staff can keep our registers up to date.
New Attendance Policy October 2021
Contact Details
If you have changed your mobile phone number or moved house please notify the school office of your new contact details.
Home School Policy
Inclusion Policy
Complaint Form
Data Protection Policy
Complaints Procedure
Managing Serial & Unreasonable Complaints Policy