Post 16
Woodlawn School, together with help from parents/carers, tutors, teachers, and Connexions Advisers should help you to make informed choices which are appropriate for you as an individual and also allow sufficient flexibility to cope with any changes of direction that you might have in the future.
Future employers, college and university admissions officers will want to see that you have a range of skills and knowledge. They will also want to be sure that you can communicate effectively in discussion and on paper, solve problems logically, manipulate numbers, use information technology efficiently and involve yourself in activities. Achieving your potential at Key Stage 5 is important evidence that they will use to make judgments about you.
You will study a range of subjects. Some you can choose to do, others are compulsory. Choosing the right subjects and getting the right qualifications will give you a better chance of getting the career of your choice. It is important to think about your subject options carefully to ensure you have the qualifications you need when you finish at Woodlawn.
We offer:
Small teaching groups
Flexible approach to learning
Community based learning
Work experience
Functional skills
Independent living skills
Duke of Edinburgh
Individualised support
Creative curriculum opportunities
GCSE Maths, English, Science, Art, Photography and Computer Science
There are many different routes for you to choose to follow. If you are unclear about which route is right for you or you have already chosen a career path but don’t know your choices or who will help you get there, then there are a number of resources that you can use to seek advice and guidance. Connexions is a service for young people providing impartial information, advice, guidance, and support, on a wide range of opportunities and issues.
Connexions works in partnership with a wide range of organisations which support young people. These include housing, benefits, personal finance, health, community activities and volunteering opportunities.
Every young person living and learning in North Tyneside has a named Connexions Personal Adviser, to provide impartial information advice and guidance to help your child explore their aspirations and career planning. For Woodlawn this is Jill Anderson, you can talk to her about a range of topics including:
Career Planning
• Advice on college, university and other possible further education routes
• Applications to employment and training
• CV and interview technique
• Financial Support for Learning, including grants and bursaries
• Personal development opportunities including social activities and volunteering
• Referrals to placement projects such as Helping Hands.
Are you entitled to a Bursary to support your Post 16 study ?
The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial help to young people aged 16 to 19 who face financial barriers to participating in education or training, provided they meet agreed standards of attendance, behaviour and progress.
In North Tyneside, all secondary schools with a sixth form have agreed a joint scheme called the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund for North Tyneside Schools’. The scheme is being administered on behalf of schools by North Tyneside Council and is dependent on funding received from the Government.