Primary (KS 1 & 2) Curriculum Plans
Our Primary Department caters for pupils from year 1 to year 6, aged 5-11 years old. Mixed age classes offer a highly differentiated curriculum covering all National Curriculum subjects; English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art andDesign, Music, Physical Education, Computing and Modern Foreign Languages (where appropriate).
We have a strong emphasis on ensuring pupils develop their basic skills in English and Maths and dedicated lessons for functional and social communication which we embed across the curriculum.
Additional bespoke opportunities to develop skills are available including access to a hydrotherapy pool, specialist support for social and emotional difficulties, maths and literacy intervention.
We work as a large multi-disciplinary team including physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists to ensure pupils achieve the desired outcomes within their Education, Health and Care Plan.
Our pupils learn via 1:1 and small group teaching and learning. All pupils have Individual Education Plan targets and pupils are assessed by a variety of formative assessment opportunities culminating in our termly, summative B Squared assessments.