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Primary (KS 1 & 2) Curriculum Plans

Our Primary Department caters for pupils from year 1 to year 6, aged 5-11 years old. Mixed age classes offer a highly differentiated curriculum covering all National Curriculum subjects; English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art andDesign, Music, Physical Education, Computing and Modern Foreign Languages (where appropriate).


We have a strong emphasis on ensuring pupils develop their basic skills in English and Maths and dedicated lessons for functional and social communication which we embed across the curriculum.


​Additional bespoke opportunities to develop skills are available including access to a hydrotherapy pool, specialist support for social and emotional difficulties, maths and literacy intervention.


We work as a large multi-disciplinary team including physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists to ensure pupils achieve the desired outcomes within their Education, Health and Care Plan.


Our pupils learn via 1:1 and small group teaching and learning. All pupils have Individual Education Plan targets and pupils are assessed by a variety of formative assessment opportunities culminating in our termly, summative B Squared assessments.

Current Curriculum Plans: Spring A 2025

If you are a parent and require a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.

Woodlawn School

Drumoyne Gardens

Whitley Bay

NE25 9DL


0191 643 2590

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